/ National Programs / Journaling Through the Feasts and Fasts

New series for the 2022 Nativity Fast & Feast!

What is it all about?

Using a prayer journal is an amazing way to help us focus our minds and hearts on God, deepen our prayer life, and strengthen our relationship with Christ.

The team at the Office of Youth Ministry will be guiding our youth of all ages through a year of journaling, focusing on the Feasts and Fasts of the Church.  Videos from the Journal Room will be released regularly throughout the year to aid in this process. Special guests will join us in the Journal Room to share their journey.

A Journal Classroom has been set-up as a place for the OYM Team members to share resources they are using or have found that could be helpful in the creation of YOUR journal.

Join us as we prayerfully journal through the year!

Journal Resources

Looking for resources for your journal?  You can find them here in our Journal Classroom. Contact the Office of Youth Ministry for the Code.


Watch the Journal Room Videos to help you along!  Use this link to our Youtube channel.

Office of Youth Ministries


The Office of Youth Ministries is the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries and Office of Camping Ministries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.

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Patron Saints


Learn about St. Christina of Tyre and St. Julian of Tarsus who are the Patron Saints for the youth of the UOC of USA.

Click here to learn more!

To order Icon prayer cards of the St. Christina and St. Julian Icon for your parish youth contact the Office of Youth Ministry.

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Mailing Address

Office of Youth Ministry

PO Box 869
Carnegie, PA 15106

Email and Telephone


412-977-2010 (Phone)