2018 Faith & Photography Winners

We are pleased to congratulate this year's winners of the Faith & Photography Contest! To view the larger photo, view the slideshow. Hover over the image to learn about the contestant and how their photo was important to the history of their parish.

Ages 10 -12 Second Place Qorey Carter - My photo is of Bishop Joseph A. Zuk. He is an important part of my church’s history. When he came to serve in my church in 1931 he was Fr. Joseph Zuk. This year we celebrated 100 years of orthodoxy in America and I learned that Father Zuk was ordained as the first bishop in the new Orthodox Church of America in 1932. Bishop Zuk was the first fulltime pastor in our church. He continued to serve at St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church until he died in 1934.
Ages 10 -12 1st Place Alexandra Sabin - The picture I took shows a piece of my parish’s history because it shows the name of the people that helped to build the parish we currently worship in. The children of the original benefactors(as seen in the photo) still come to my church, which I get to see every Sunday. The history of our parish lives with them.
College 1st Place Victoria Swindle - From the help of my parish priest, I was fortunate enough to handle and look at the original blueprints that were drawn for my parish in the year 1927. Just two years later, the building was complete and families along with friends came together under the Ukrainian Orthodox faith to worship. As the years went by, hundreds of people have walked through the doors, and as a current member I am proud to be apart of the rich history of this church.
Ages 13 -18 Second Place Clarissa Sabin - This picture shows a piece of my parish's history because it shows the time capsule of my parish. When our parish was first built in 1941, the builders and priests present decided to make this capsule in order for the next generation to discover. No one knows what is in the time capsule, but in 2041 (100 years after the parish was built) the time capsule will be opened by the current members of the parish. History will be discovered within it.
Ages 13 - 18 Third Place Anna Swindle - I chose to take a picture of the priest and his wife who founded my parish. One of the parishioners of my church is the granddaughter of this couple, which just shows how the word of Jesus Christ can truly last from generations to generations. 93 years ago this couple made the decision to build my parish and I am beyond grateful for them doing so, because I wouldn’t be who I am today without my parish.
Ages 13 - 18 First Place Ryan Anderson - My photo is a picture of a very intricate gospel. This gospel tells a special history about what the first parishioners of our parish used during the liturgy. This gospel dates back to the beginning of our church over 100 years ago. My great-grandparents venerated the same gospel I serve with.