Sacred Arts Contest
Part of our mission, is to provide youth and college aged young adults the opportunity to become more involved with their faith, while showcasing the talented and creative youth we have within in our Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. We want our youth to realize that having fun and utilizing creativity can be manifested in a project that shows how they correlate their life with their faith.
Provided on this page are the rules and entry information for the contest. We ask that you encourage all youth and college students to participate. Prizes will be awarded for first and second place. This year we will be focusing on visual arts. Participants may make their submission in any visual art form: drawing, painting, watercolor, computer design.
Questions about the contest may be made to the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry at
This year the topic is the same for all age categories
Entrants will be judged within their age category.
Цього року тема однакова для всіх вікових категорій
Учасників будуть оцінюватися в межах їхньої вікової категорії.
Praying for Ukraine Молимось за Україну
Entries will be shown and judged at the 23rd Regular Sobor
Конкурсні роботи будуть представлені та оцінені на 23-му Звичайному Соборі
Use any visual or performing art to show any of the following:
Використовуйте візуальне чи виконавське мистецтво, щоб відтворити наступне:
- How are you praying for Ukraine? Як ти молишся за Україну?
- How do you see or how can others pray for Ukraine? Яким чином інші можуть молитися за Україну?
- How does your church pray for Ukraine? Як саме ваша церква молиться за Україну?
Age Categories:
Category Pre K – Ages 4 -5
Category One - Ages 6 -9
Category Two - Ages 10- 12
Category Three - Ages 13 - 18 (highschool)
Category Four - College 18 - 23
Adaptive Entries:
Parents, for youth with adaptive needs – please enter your child in their appropriate age group and check adaptive on the entry form.
Адаптивні Роботи
Батьки, для молоді з особливами потребами – будь ласка, внесіть свою дитину до відповідної вікової категорії та поставте позначку “адаптивна” у формі.
2nd Place Winners will receive an Amazon Gift Card!
All participants will receive a small gift of thanks for their participation!
Thank you to all of our entries and winners! There are four age categories to view. Hover over each piece of art to read what the entrants parish means to them. Click on the art work for a better view! Placements are listed within the text.
2022 Judges - Thank you!
Michael Andrec - UOC Consistory Office of Archieves - Archivist
Fr. Andrij Drapak - South Bound Brook, NJ
Db Oksana Pasakas - Ukrainian History and Education Center - South Bound Brook, NJ
Thank you to all of our entries and winners! There are four age categories to view. Hover over each piece of art to read what the entrants parish means to them. Click on the art work for a better view! Placements are listed within the text.
2019 Judges - Thank you!
Michael Andrec - UOC Consistory Office of Archieves - Archivist
Fr. Vasyl Dovgan - Pastor, St. Nicholas UOC - Troy, NY
Natalia Honcharenko - Ukrainian History and Education Center - South Bound Brook, NJ
Vitaliy Hrytsay - Owner Vitaliy Hrytsay Business Signage - Philadelphia, PA
Elizabeth Symonenko - Editor - Ukrainian Orthodox Word
2018 Faith & Photography Winners
We are pleased to congratulate this year's winners of the Faith & Photography Contest! To view the larger photo, view the slideshow. Hover over the image to learn about the contestant and how their photo was important to the history of their parish.
(6 images)