St. Nicholas Program 2025
June 18 - 21, 2025
Faithful with Special Needs and Family
2024 Family Workshop Speaker - Pr Melanie DiStefano!
Presvytera Melanie DiStefano is the Resource Developer at the GOARCH Center for Family Care. She graduated from Youngstown State University (BChemE), and from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MDiv). Married to Father Joseph DiStefano for nearly 21 years, they have one son Michael Seraphim. Michael has special needs that greatly impact his health and his level of independence. One of her passions is to encourage families who are facing similar parenting challenges, and to dispel cultural stigmas associated with disabilities.
Once per month she hosts the Family Matters podcast on AFR, the "Fully Human Edition," to allow people with disabilities to share the blessings and challenges of their faith journeys and create awareness for the broader church community.
She will be speaking on All Faithful Being Made in Christ's Image and our families with special needs
Because of the camp's rustic environement and natural setting individuals who transport themselves with the assistance of wheelchairs, crutches or walkers may need consultation for participation in the full four-day program. If the full four-day program is not an option, we are pleased to offer one-day programming. Please contact us if you are considering the one day program during which movement about the camp is more limited and accessible to those with physical challenges.
Please feel free to contact our Executive Staff with questions or concerns.
Once an application is recieved one of our executive or medical staff will contact you to conduct an intake assessment to ensure we can accomodate the needs of your family to the best of our ability.
Families may wish to discuss the possibility of also attending one of our other camping programs Diocesan Church School Camp or Teenage Conference. Please contact us about these possibilities.
Dr. Janet Breck - Pediatric Medical Genetic Consultant
Tracy Galla - Educational Paraprofessional in Special Education and behavioral specialist
Pani Matka Linda Oryhon - Special Eduction Teacher
Natalie Kapeluck Nixon - Youth Ministry Specialist and parent consultant
Kira Senedak - Educator for Winchester Thurston and co-director of the Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me Program
Natalie Onufrey - Parent consultant
Pr. Melanie DiStefano - Parent consultant and Educator at Holy Trinity Orthdodox School
Pani Daria Loposky - Parent consultant and Ast. Director of Camp Nazareth
Rev. Fr. Myron Oryhon
Spiritual Director
Tracy Galla
Natalie Kapeluck
Asst. Director
Eric Senedak